Are you facing a life transition where it makes sense to re-evaluate your money priorities? Changing jobs (or careers!), welcoming a child, buying a home, starting a business, approaching retirement, and newly widowed are just a few of the many life transitions where the input of a non-biased financial planner can help guide you. I can help you make sense of your options and help answer the question
“Will I be OK?”.
You may think financial planning focuses exclusively on retirement planning. While that is an important element of a financial plan, I can assist you regardless of income, net worth or life-stage in making strategic financial decisions, working to achieve your financial goals.
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Typical clients include young adults just starting their professional careers, families with goals such as purchasing a home or financing college for the kids, and mid-lifers wondering if they've adequately prepared for a financially comfortable retirement. I'm especially passionate about working with women whose financial lives may be complicated by careers interrupted by family care -giving obligations, divorce or death of a spouse.
We believe planning is a process, not a product. To that end we believe that we best serve our clients by providing comprehensive financial planning in a long-term, ongoing relationship.
Our best advice comes when we have a full understanding of your current financial picture and adapt the plan throughout life transitions. In addition to expected life transitions, unexpected changed can derail even the best laid plans. As situations arise, we stand ready to provide you with real-time advice to help you continue on your path to financial success.
13 life changing events i can help you navigate
Across our lifespan we experience many transitions or life-changing events. Often these times require
decisions that have short-term and longer-term financial implications. What follows are situations where a
financial planner can offer valuable guidance, but also use to adjust course of your financial plan.
Deciding on Life After High School
What are you passionate about? What skills, talents and abilities have you honed during high school that
might lead to a career path or job field? Not everyone is cut out for 4 years of college. Maybe a 2-3 year
technical college or vocational training will help you achieve your career goals. For some students, it’s
unrealistic to know at age 18 what you want to do for the rest of your working life. If post-secondary
education is in your future, do the math to determine how much your education will cost and how that will
impact your future prospects. A Financial Planner can help you understand the long-term implications of
student loan debt and help you think through various funding strategies.
Accepting Your First Job
Eager first-time employees quickly learn that the decision to accept a position comes with it not only the
salary offer, but decisions on federal tax withholding, beneficiary designations, retirement plan
contributions, selecting various investments within the retirement plan, health insurance plans, health
savings accounts(HSA’s) and flexible spending accounts (FSA’s)and for some, how to handle stock
A Pay Increase
Receiving a pay raise or bonus can be pretty exciting and affirming. Having a plan on how best to use
these funds is critical. Will this increase move you into a higher income tax bracket or limit your ability to
put your money in certain types of accounts. Your planner keeps current with the various rules and can
guide you in better courses of action.
A Job Change
Job changes and career shifts can have a huge impact on life satisfaction and your overall financial plan.
Before making the leap, consulting your planner can help you weigh the pro’s and cons of staying or
going. If you do decide to change jobs, your planner can help you with important decisions such as
retirement and healthcare plan options.
Your financial planner can help you and your partner think through various financial implications of
marriage. Especially important to couples where this is a second marriage, or later in life joining. Estate
and tax implications, titling, and identifying how income and debt will be managed as a married couple.
Having a Baby
Children are expensive! Costs to consider include diapers, formula (if you choose not to breastfeed) and
daycare. Then there are all the additional costs of music lessons, sports team expenses and setting
aside funds for college. By talking with your planner, you might be pleasantly surprised that taking time
off from working and changing to part-time employment can allow you time at home to enjoy your little
one instead of the stress of maintaining two careers.
No one gets married planning on a future divorce, but divorces do happen. Not only is there an emotional
toll, but your finances will also be dramatically impacted. Consulting your planner about various options
in addition to the advice provided by your attorney can help you navigate the troubled waters during this
turbulent time.
Supporting Grown Children or Raising Grandchildren
Whether it’s a situation of failure to launch or boomerang children, financial supporting adult children
many families don’t consider. Raising grandchildren as Empty-Nesters is another often unexpected life
change. Working with your planner can help you strategize how best to deal with these unexpected and
challenging changes without endangering your retirement plans.
Death of a Spouse
The grief and emotional toll of losing a spouse creates is debilitating. Even in grief, there are many
issues that must be addressed when someone dies. Handling those issues requires assistance from an
unbiased party. Your financial planner can help you answer the questions “Am I going to be okay?” and
help you reduce your anxiety about your future financial security.
Planning an Estate
Proper prior planning prevents poor performance. An estate plan takes into consideration various factors
such as guardianship of minor children, wealth distribution to family and philanthropic goals, and
business succession. Deciding who acts on your behalf in the event of your death or incapacitation
allows you to rest assured that your wishes will be carried out.
Starting a Business
Before you take the leap to self-employment, running your plans by your financial planner can help you
avoid pitfalls you might not have through of. The excitement of being your own boss might cloud your
understanding of how this change can impact your family finances.
Inheriting Money
Emotions can run high when a relative passes and leaves you a sum of money. Some folks are
paralyzed regarding what to do with this newfound wealth and do nothing. Others work at figuring out
how the deceased benefactor would want the money to be used. Your financial planner can be
instrumental is helping you make the right decisions on what the best uses of inherited money are.
Taking Social Security
One of the most important but misunderstood topic is how Social Security works, Many
individuals make the Social Security decision without seeking the advice of a financial planner, not taking
into account their longevity and relying on preconceived notions. Your financial planner can run various
scenarios for you about when the best time for you to take your Social Security benefits in order to
maximize the funds you will receive.